divendres, 7 de juny del 2013


In order to combine a better understanding of the natural science curriculum with the development of linguistic structures and science vocabulary in English
1st evaluation
Ciències Naturals & English common objectives:
To understand the matter structure and the chemical change and to learn the terms related to this subject.
Atom structure
(a synthetic model)
Atom tour

The basics on atom structure.
Specific vocabulary and short definitions in Atomic Theory.
Interactive web.
Short definitions reading and listening.

Experimenting and modeling matter structure
Rutherford's model

How experimental data fits models.
Why we need models in science.
From reality to theory in atomic science.
Listening. Simulation.
Chemical Bonding
Ionic Bond

Metal and non-metal chemical elements.
How models explain experimental data.
Understanding lab activity

Simulation in a Virtual Lab
Metallic Bond

Understanding metallic bond.
Introducing chemical vocabulary.
Listening (animation)
Covalent Bond

Understanding covalent bonding.
Introducing chemical vocabulary.
Listening (video)
Polar Bond in H2O molecule

Understanding polar covalent bonding through a simulation.

Stoichiometry – chemical reaction – limiting reagent
Balancing the equation and resolving a stoichiometry problem
A video of a chemistry lesson, resolving a chemistry problem, explaining in written the whole process

2nd evaluation
Anatomy and organography
An interactive body model
Get body smart

To describe body and organs using anatomical concepts and medical vocabulary.
Puzzles, quizzes
Anatomy and physiology
How the body works

Understanding the basic on anatomy and physiology
Short movies, listening, quizzes
Digestive system
Chemical digestion: digestive enzymes

Short film, listening comprehension by completing a chart, answering comprehension questions and matching the words
Food groups (Choose My Plate USDA)
Food guide pyramide

Analyzing nutrition
Food and nutrition vocabulary
Designing a healthy menu diary

Rules for better health:
“Eating well, keeping fit, doing well”

What's an eating disorder?

Food composition

Know what you eat
Run a database in order to analyze food quality and nutritive facts in any meal
Be familiar with British and American weight  and volume measures and units and their equivalence in our system
Analyze nutrition effectiveness of their own meals using USDA National Database for standard reference.
Lab work: weights and measures when cooking

Nutrients main groups.
Classification of carbohydrates
Food groups rich in carbohydrates

What are carbohydrates?
Where to get it?

Listening, reading and writing a  healthy menu rich in different carbohydrates justifying the choice they did (caloric requirement)

Nutrients main groups.
Classification of carbohydrates
Food groups rich in carbohydrates

Fat secret program to control diet and physic activity

Running a nutrition management tool to improve diet and better understanding of nutritional options
Design a diet according to your physical activity

3D view Diaphragm


Gases exchange (breathing and gases cell exchange)

Anatomy of the respiration system. Alveolar gases exchange. Diaphragm and lungs.
Heart and Lungs dissection


Blood Cells

How the nephron works (kidney)

Drug abuse

The Brain: what's going on there?
Neuroscience, drug abuse and addiction

Drugs alter the brain reward pathway

Drugs abuse

dijous, 6 de juny del 2013


First the students learned about the breathing mechanics in their Natural Science class, then they watched two lessons in English on-line about it and, after having analyzed how it functions and mastered the necessary terminology, they answered some questions as a short synthesis of all they have learned.  

Below you can find two examples of our students’ answers:



Answer the following questions:
1)    In what two ways does the chest expand outwards?
The two ways does the chest expand outwards are:
-       “Up” and “out”
You do this way at the same time, when you inspire.
-       “Down” and “in”
You do this way at the same time too, when you expire.
2)    What are parietal pleura and what is their function?
The parietal pleura are tissue (around the chest and the ribs), that their function is that the lung doesn’t touch directly the chest, and that the lung doesn’t collapse, it fights the negative pressure. It’s a very thin tissue.
3)    What are the alveoli and why is there always tension between their surfaces?
The alveoli are cavities situated at the end of the bronchia, inside the lungs. The alveoli are really small and the walls of these alveoli are very thin.
The alveoli are always tensioned because they are coated with water and its molecules are attracted among each other.
4)    What is a surfactant and what is its function?
The surfactant is a phospholipid molecule with a little protein, situated in the alveolus. It has a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic end.
The surfactant does chemical reactions that repels the attraction of the water molecules, and prevents that the alveoli doesn’t collapse.
5)    What is collagen and what is its function?
The collagen is a protein, in the connective tissue, that prevents the collapse of the lung. It’s very similar to the surfactant, but it’s not exactly the same. The collagen does his function in the lung, and the surfactant does the same but in the alveoli.
6)    What prevents healthy lungs from collapsing?
The collagen prevents the healthy lungs from collapsing, using the pressure of the lung. The parietal pleura help too.

Watch the video about the chemical processes created when breathing and write its summary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLKOBQ6cZHA
The video explains the pulmonary respiration. When we inspire, the alveoli take the air (78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, 0.1% CO2), and the red blood cells (NO nucleus), attract the O2 to the cell (with a chemical reaction), using the hemoglobin (proteins that are in the red cell). This process, we do it in the alveoli and the arteries and veins.
The blood does a long route: first of all, the blood travels inside the pulmonary artery. The blood gives the CO2 and takes the O2. Then, the blood travels another time inside the pulmonary vein, and it finishes at the heart.

Answer the following questions:

1.In what two ways does the chest expand outwards?
There are two ways which the chest can expand:
Breathing in: when we breath in, all the atmospheric air goes into our lungs and they increase their size to let enter the air. Also, our diaphragm goes down and our chest opens to let space for our lungs to dilate.
Breathing out: it is the process when you expire the air that your body doesn’t need. In this movement all the muscles and organs that were altered in the inspiration process are relaxed now, they go to their original site.

2.What are parietal pleura and what is their function?
The parietal pleura are the surface of the lungs and it protects the lung.

3. What are the alveoli and why is there always tension between their surfaces?
The alveoli are bags found in the final of the bronchioles and their function is to make the gas exchange. There is always tension between their surfaces because there are water molecules, which are attracted to each other

4.What is a surfactant and what is its function?
Surfactant is a phospholipid bounded to a little protein, which function is to avoid the molecules of water of the same alveoli being attracted. Without that substance, the water molecules would be attracted with the other molecules of the same alveoli, so that attraction would close the alveoli with a very strong force.

5.What is collagen and what is its function? 
Collagen is a substance that makes the lung elastic. This elasticity prevents the collapse of the lungs. Without collagen, our lungs wouldn't have elasticity, which would make more difficult the movements of breathing: breathing in and breathing out.
 6.What prevents healthy lungs from collapsing? 
There are two substances that prevents de collpase of the lungs: surfactant, which is a layer that separates the water molecules of the same alveoli, and collagen, which produces elasticity in the lungs.

Watch the video about the chemical processes created when breathing and write its summary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLKOBQ6cZHA

The alveoli contain 21% of oxygen, 78% of nitrogen and 1% of carbon dioxide, this oxygen goes into the blood through the capillary. Red blood cells are the most important cells in the gases exchange, because they contain millions of hemoglobin molecules, which have four atoms of iron that attract the oxygen and make it go inside the red blood cell. Those red blood cells are dragged with the plasma, and go through the vein to the heart. The blood that comes in the artery to the lung’s capillary is deoxygenated blood, which means that has got a high level of carbon dioxide and a very poor level of oxygen. This carbon dioxide penetrates into the alveoli and goes outside through the mouth or the nous.