EVENT 1: (jumping the rope)
Jumping the rope
with both feet together as many times as the sum of the number of syllables of
the words proposed.
EVENT 2: (hitting the shuttlecock)
Hitting 10 times
the shuttlecock with the badminton racquet/ as many times as the number of
letters of the word proposed.
EVENT 3: (speed)
Two laps around the
court (timed) to finish the event, the contestant has to spell a word.
EVENT 4: (endurance)
Running up and down
the stairways 10 times. To finish the event, the contestant has to repeat a
tongue twister.
EVENT 5: (relays)
The contestant has
to run a total distance of 15 meters holding a tennis ball and the racquet with
the arm totally extended drop them into the floor and come back running. The
partner runs back towards the racquet, picks it up and comes back to the
starting spot doing the same.
In every change of
relay, a word started with a specific letter has to be completed by the
EVENT 6: (kicking)
Penalty kicks, two
per player (the contestants exchange the goal-keeper role). To validate the
goals, the contestants have to say the opposite of the word given by the
EVENT 7: (hitting the ping-pong ball)
Hitting the
ping-pong ball for 25 times between the pair.
To validate the event, they have to guess one riddle.
EVENT 8: (jumping the bench)
Jumping the bench
10 times with both feet together. The contestants have to say a synonym out
from the word given by the controllers.
EVENT 9: (circuit)
Circuit: zigzags,
sprint, slow race, jumping the pikes,
hoops. They have to write correctly the word dictated in the blackboard (answer
sheet held by the controllers).
EVENT 10: (displacements)
Running a 15 meters
distance faking the crab move (backwards with feet and both arms contacting the
floor) and back faking a cart (forward with feet and both arms contacting the
floor). They have to elaborate a Scrabble word (15 letters): the number of
syllables will be taken into account.
Dalmau ( P.E. and English teacher)
Llanos ( English teacher)